Job 22:21-22

Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace thereby good will come to you. Receive, please, instruction from His mouth and lay up His words in your heart.


Read the Bible daily, pray, control what say and focus on God's blessed life.  Blessed means happy, successful and favored by God. Forrest Gump “Stupid is as stupid does.” 

  • Pray with God and stay together.
  • Pray with your family and stay together. 
  • You control what you think so think about Jesus as the way, the truth and the great life. All God's promises are yes and amen.
  • Repeat Psalm 19:14 throughout the day.  


Psalm 19:14

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.


Prayer. God. Help me be at peace according to Your word of truth. Help me to use words of love and truth. Help to think good thoughts.  Help to truly love all my neighbors.  Thank you for your favor, blessings and happiness. Amen.